Past Events

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Walking Program

The weather is getting nice, it’s time to break out your running shoes and walk this way! Occupational Health and Wellness is offering a FREE Walking Program. Over a 6-week period you will increase your endurance, strengthen your bones and muscles, and improve balance and coordination all while making new friends and connections at the University of Guelph. The program runs Monday-Thursday with a maximum time of 30 minutes.

World No Tobacco Day

Today, we join with people around the globe to recognize World No Tobacco Day, while also acknowledging the efforts of Indigenous communities to become tobacco-wise and keep tobacco sacred. The World Health Organization has established May 31 as an annual opportunity to draw attention to the negative cardiovascular health effects of smoking.

Bike Month

May 28 is Bike to Work Day Help us kick off-bike month! Join us on Bike to Work Day for free coffee, snacks, and a chance to win great draw prizes, meet new friends who bike, and learn how we’re building a Bicycle-Friendly Guelph! Monday, May 28 7–9 a.m. City Hall, 1 Carden Street Guelph  Guelph is proud to be hosting this fantastic event to support people who live or work in Guelph and wish to travel by bike.

Respectful Relationships in the Workplace

Creating a respectful workplace is everyone’s responsibility. This workshop will raise awareness around what respectful behaviour looks like, promote the adoption of a professional attitude, assist with the development of effective communication skills, and suggest common standards for respectful behaviour. Facilitator: from Homewood Health Contact Phone: 56800 Email:

Workplace Inspections

Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act gives the responsibility to a worker member of the Joint Health and Safety committee or Health and Safety Representative to conduct inspections of the physical conditions of the workplace. Successful workplace inspections follow recognized steps and knowing what to look for and why is critical when conducting workplace inspections. Participants will have an introduction into hazard identification and gain an understanding of how workplace inspections are conducted at University of Guelph workplaces.

The Pathway to Resilience: Mind-sets and Strategies for Effective Coping

This workshop will expose participants to the power of positive thinking, gratitude, and effective framing of stressful situations to foster well-being. Michelle is an M.A student in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Valencia, currently doing a practical internship at the University of Guelph. Michelle has considerable experience and training in applying psychological principles to the world of work. She has previously done research on organizational justice and is currently researching collective mindfulness in high reliability organizations.

The Pathway to Resilience: How to Effectively Regulate Emotions

This workshop is going to introduce participants to the concept of emotion regulation through experiential learning activities. Participants will leave equipped with easy-to-use tools to successfully regulate both their positive and negative emotions.

Building Working Relations

Every time we interact with someone, we have an opportunity to build or damage the relationship we have with them. Improving the quality of relationships in the workplace can enhance productivity and reduce conflict. This session invites participants to be aware of three key “tools” we can use to build relationships, reflect on how to use these tools effectively, and develop strategies to address relationship challenges. Facilitator: from Homewood Health Contact

Zentangle Workshop

Zentangle® is a mindfulness based drawing method created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. There are many reasons that people practice Zentangle®, it has been used to relieve stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, improve focus, improve self-esteem, aid in pain management and anger management as well as the creative aspects of the techniques that cause practitioners to contemplate boundaries. With Zentangle® there are no erasers - there are no erasers in life. We can learn to overcome obstacles by allowing ourselves to think not of the outcome, but of the journey.

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