Past Events

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Rebuilding the Inner Fire: A Creative Workshop on Tending to Burnout

The last two years have required us to bring forward our most resilient selves, and burnout seems to be the norm as we navigate work-life balance during the pandemic crisis. In this virtual, creative workshop, we will dive into the meaning of burnout, and focus on re-igniting our inner fire by connecting with our inner needs. Absolutely no art experience is needed to participate, and the minimum required materials are paper and a pencil.

Morning Mindful Moment

Join this short mindful moment to kick start your Monday morning and your week. Join to sit back, relax and follow along to the guided script to start your day in a positive way. All levels of experience are welcome! This mindfulness exercise will be a guided activity focused on mindful eating followed by a short debrief period. Participants must bring a single raisin to this session. If you do not like raisins, another single piece of small dried fruit will be acceptable such as a dried cranberry. 

Deadline for February "G" Thanks! Appreciation Nominations

GREAT at U of G is an initiative designed to enhance the culture of gratitude, recognition and appreciation for all faculty and staff at the University. It is important for all employees to know that they are valued and that what they do makes a real difference. Openly appreciating people for who they are and recognizing what they accomplish are key factors in employee wellness, and support U of G’s vision of a thriving workforce, organization, and community.

UofG Plant Talks Presents: Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming

Get to know the amazing research conducted by faculty across UofG and how it relates to the plants around us! The Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming (GCUOF) was temporarily closed at the start of the pandemic in March of 2020. As the farm has been reopening, they have begun cropping the land, revolving classes, students, and the community again.  Join Mike Smith as he shares more about the work of the GCUOF  has been doing this past year and the direction that it will be setting for the future.

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

Weekly Mindfulness Drop-In

Each session will open with taking some time to connect and presence ourselves in the virtual space: unmuting ourselves, saying hello, telling a story, saying something about how things are going. Next, we will do some breathwork, then a short gratitude practice, and then a short practice of acknowledging (silently) our hopes, our longings, what we are wanting more of in/from life, maybe even asking for it. Following this we will do one of three practices: 1. Coming to our senses 2. Cultivating Equanimity 3. Guided Imagery (active imagination)

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

Weekly Mindfulness Drop-In

Each session will open with taking some time to connect and presence ourselves in the virtual space: unmuting ourselves, saying hello, telling a story, saying something about how things are going. Next, we will do some breathwork, then a short gratitude practice, and then a short practice of acknowledging (silently) our hopes, our longings, what we are wanting more of in/from life, maybe even asking for it. Following this we will do one of three practices: 1. Coming to our senses 2. Cultivating Equanimity 3. Guided Imagery (active imagination)

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

Events Archive