Past Events

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Wellness Friday: Helping Your Child Succeed at School

Every parent wants their child to be happy and successful at school. Many parents struggle with knowing how to support their children with school-related activities. This session will invite participants to seek a partnership between each child, the school, and themselves. This partnership will create a positive structure at home to support their children’s experience at school and focus on ways to reward effort rather than outcomes. Facilitator: Homewood Health

Stress Eating

Many physiological and emotional stress factors push us to eat...   even when we're not hungry! But WHY ? This evening workshop provides information about these stress factors, emphasizing the biofeedback and stress management strategies that can help. Although there is no quick fix, this workshop provides information and stress management strategies to help you take the first step. YOU WILL LEARN :

Classical Yoga Class Every Tuesday & Thursday

Every Tuesday and Thursday at Noon Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees – Welcome No experience required. Join Zoom Meeting Please contact to register and access the meeting link.

COVID-19: What's New with Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos

Join Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos for a third discussion on the current COVID-19 pandemic.  This brief talk will be followed by Q & A. Please submit any questions you have when you register. Please email for the meeting invitation if you are registering on the day of the session.

Mood Moves

The Wellness Education Centre is hosting virtual Mood Moves every Wednesday for students and employees. Join us for a quick stretching and movement session at your own comfort level! Our group will meet online for a quick check in, followed by about 10 minutes of stretching and light activity! This group aims to support your mental and physical health by providing you with an opportunity to take a step back from your responsibilities and stresses, while helping add some activity into your day.

Better Sleep Workshop for Peri-Menopausal Women

The most common and severe symptom of peri-menopausal women is poor sleep ! They experience more difficulty falling asleep and sleep may be disturbed by hot flashes, sleep disorders, poor health, anxiety, depression, and worrying. This workshop outlines why Minarik's report on recent sleep research directs health professionals to change from past trends of hormones-only solutions when addressing sleep changes at mid-life.

Classical Yoga Class Every Tuesday & Thursday

Every Tuesday and Thursday at Noon Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees – Welcome No experience required. Join Zoom Meeting Please contact to register and access the meeting link.

Movement Mondays with Athletics

Join Athletics from 12-12:30 for a movement break! Light, low impact movement and stretches will show you the benefits of daily movement from your office/home or wherever you are! The 30 minute session will also give tips for adding movement and the benefits of quick movement breaks. Please email for the meeting link if you are registering on the morning of the session. Presenter: Jennifer O’Neill Dates: Feb. 1, 8, 22 Times: 12-12:30pm

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