
A green space on the University of Guelph campus.

University of Guelph's Top 20 Bucket List for Employees

The University of Guelph has many unique features and activities for employees to enjoy.  We have compiled many of these features into a Top 20 Bucket List. 

Work your way through with a colleague or on your own, and have fun appreciating our campus.

Exploring the Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming

Through the Wellness@Work ON TOUR sustainability series, employees were invited to tour the Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming.  As one participant shared, "It seems like the farm is UoGuelph's hidden secret just waiting to be discovered!"

Here's some of the feedback we received:

ON TOUR @ U of G Sustainability Series Highlights

Throughout the month of August, Wellness@Work invited employees to explore unique places on campus to learn more about how we are working together to create a more sustainable U of G. 

Staff and faculty were invited to tour the UC Basement Kitchen, the Honey Bee Research Centre, and the Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming.  A talk was also hosted by the Sustainability Office, highlighting the different programs U of G runs to create a more sustainable campus.

Tech-Free Tuesday Nights Challenge

Wellness@Work is challenging you to be "technology-free" each Tuesday night for the month of August.  Turn off your screens and spend each Tuesday evening of the month technology-free.

  • Spend quality time with family or friends.
  • Read a new book.
  • Clean your home or start sorting miscellaneous items.
  • Explore the outdoors.
  • Try a new hobby.
  • Play a game.
  • Write in a journal.
  • Cook a new recipe.

You decide! 

August 2019 Wellness@Work Calendar

August is nearly here... but that doesn't mean the summer is over!  Take advantage of the free Wellness@Work activities and events scheduled for the month.  Here are a few highlights from the August calendar: 

Healthy Habits: Actions to Recovery

"When we feel safe, secure and well connected to our families and people within our communities, we develop a sense of belonging and an understanding of who we are. These attributes allow us to have confidence in our actions and enable us to live our lives in ways that are satisfying and meaningful. In short, we create a baseline for what good mental health feels like. In contrast, when we’re overwhelmed and/or looking to solidify our relationships and roles, we can experience mental health challenges that

Gryphons Read- Staff and Faculty Book Club

Wellness@Work has formed a staff and faculty book club building off of the existing Gryphons Read student club.  The first book as part of this new book club for faculty and staff is called, "Son of a Trickster."  The book is written by Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations novelist Eden Robinson. 

You can pick up a copy of the book from the McLaughlin Library, Guelph Public Library or the Campus Bookstore. 

Getting e-Ready for September

There is a new excitement that comes with the start of a new school year at the University, but it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by email.  Setting aside some time to get "e-ready" for September can help boost your productivity and reduce some stress that you might have associated with your email inbox.  

If you are looking for ways to get "e-ready" for September, consider these 5 tips:

How to Recharge Your Batteries in an Age of Relentless Demands

Dr. Jamie Gruman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management at the University of Guelph and a founding member of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association.  Dr. Gruman spoke at a TedxGuelphU talk on, "How to Recharge your Batteries in an Age of Relentless Demands." 

For anyone who is feeling burned out and looking for ways to effectively gain more energy, listen to Dr. Gruman's tips on how to flip our downtime into "uptime." 

Watch the video here:

Managing Time Before and After Vacation

Taking vacation time is important for our health.  However, the time before and after a vacation can be stressful. Often, there are deadlines to meet before taking time off from work and prioritizing in a time crunch can be a challenge. Returning from time off can also be stressful if work has piled up. 

Looking for some strategies to help prevent or reduce the stress associated with vacation time?  

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