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February 2025

NEW Days (Virtual) - February 2025

The format of this session has been changed to virtual from 9 am - 12:30 pm. NEW Days is the kick-off to the NEW @ the U program at the University of Guelph. One day at the beginning of each month of the year (excluding January, April, July, August, and December) has been dedicated to welcoming and connecting new employees to the University environment and giving them a positive start.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: How to Lead Neurodivergent Employees

Understanding the needs of your neurodivergent employees can sometimes feel like a complex puzzle to solve, but it doesn’t need to be. This session provides a concrete approach to having respectful and effective conversations with your neurodivergent employees to better understand how you can work together better. After participating in this session, participants should be able to:

Dealing with Conflict at Work for Staff

This session has been cancelled due to low registration. Conflict is a naturally occurring part of working with others; different people have different ideas, values, beliefs and viewpoints and occasionally that can lead to disagreement between colleagues. Skillfully managing yourself during conflict can ensure you contribute to a workplace that encourages people to express their differences, challenge ideas respectfully and promotes a dynamic environment that is collaborative, innovative and adaptable to change.

The Future-Ready Leader’s AI Advantage (Part 1 and 2)

This workshop is composed of 2 parts held on February 6 and 20, 2025, 9 am - 11 am. This course equips leaders with practical AI tools to enhance their strategic focus, productivity, and leadership effectiveness. Delivered in two interactive sessions and using hands-on practice, it provides actionable insights to help leaders integrate AI into their daily practices and strategic initiatives.

Let’s Get Growing- Leadership Tools for Staff Growth and Development

Today’s employees want more than a paycheck—they seek growth, development, and meaningful engagement. In our U of G November 2023 Wellness Survey staff and faculty revealed that a greater emphasis on growth and development, one of the psychosocial factors of well-being, is desired. Let’s Get Growing equips leaders with the tools to foster employee growth and retention through intentional conversations and development-focused team interactions.

RBC Lunch and Learn: Retirement Planning and Transition

Planning for your retirement is just the first step. Defining how and when you will retire can be overwhelming, and is often fraught with questions. Will I have enough money to retire? Where will my retirement income come from? How will I fill my time in retirement? In this session we will answer some of these common questions and provide you with some insight into how to prepare for this transition and live in retirement your way. Cancellation Policy Please cancel no later than 2 days in advance to ensure we can give your spot to someone on the waiting list.

SharePoint - Advanced

Course Objectives Understand SharePoint Site Hierarchy.  Learn the difference between SharePoint Site Collection Owners and those who Administer those sites.  Set up Document Versioning and Check Out procedures. Set up a Content Approval Process.  Learn how to Add and Configure Lists Discover how to create, configure and integrate Contacts and Calendars. Create and configure Custom Lists and Forms Set up Site Permissions and secure Lists, Libraries and Documents

Equity Essentials- Call it out? Identifying and Responding to Microaggressions

This session will explore how to engage critically in anti-oppression and provide frameworks for engaging in anti-oppressive practices at the University. Anti-oppression is an ongoing and active process of recognizing and addressing individual, institution, and systemic oppression. Applying an anti-oppressive frame to our work is essential to cultivating an inclusive campus where every individual experiences a sense of belonging. This session will identify the systems and attitudes that contribute to microaggressions and discuss strategies for responding effectively.

Targeting Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Bullying is an issue in today’s workplace. This one-hour session will increase participants’ knowledge and awareness of bullying and harassment behaviour in the workplace, its impact, and how to address it as employees. Facilitator Trainers from Homewood Health Registration Registration has been closed. Contact Phone: 56800 Email:  

Intercultural Competence for Faculty and Staff

This workshop is intended for faculty and staff who are interested in developing skills for navigating cultural differences when working with colleagues, students and others in their day-to-day work. The session will provide participants with their own personalized, confidential assessment of their current strengths and challenges around navigating differences and an individualized Intercultural Development Plan to assist in further developing their intercultural skills.  You will leave this session with an understanding of: