GREAT at U of G News

Congrats to our June “G” Thanks! Winner Helen Oliver!

Congrats to our June “G” Thanks! Winner Helen Oliver!

Emily Brouwer shared in her “G” Thanks nomination:

I would like to nominate Helen Oliver- she works tirelessly at the Animal Health Laboratory to keep everything running smoothly. She volunteers her time for the social committee and united way. She’s a pleasure to work with and she deserves the recognition.

A virtual celebration was held for Helen and a prize was sent to her as a token of thanks.

Wendy Turner April 2023 G Thanks Winner

Congrats to our April “G” Thanks Winner! Wendy Turner!

Congrats to our April “G” Thanks Winner! Wendy Turner!

Aunie Edwards shared in her Kudoboard nomination: I would like to nominate @Wendy Turner for her stellar leadership!!! As my direct manager, she consistently supports my professional and personal well-being with compassion and generosity. G THANKS @Wendy Turner 

A virtual celebration was held for Wendy and several of her colleagues attended to celebrate with her.

March "G" Thanks! Winner Serena Murphy

Congrats to our March “G” Thanks Winner! Serena Murphy!

Congrats to our March “G” Thanks Winner! Serena Murphy!

Andrea Novak shared in her Kudoboard nomination: Thank you @Serena Murphy for your never-ending positivity. I truly appreciate the continued effort you put in to assist and help everyone. You make coming to work each day such a pleasure.

Thomas Eckert - January 2023 "G" Thanks Winner

Congrats to our January “G” Thanks Winner! Thomas Eckert!

Congrats to our January “G” Thanks Winner! Thomas Eckert!

Diana shared in her nomination:

To Thomas Eckert,

Faculty and I cannot thank you enough for your continuous support and advice with financial matters related to the Food from Thought research grants throughout the years. You are always professional, quick in response, you are considerate to our requests and we can always rely on your expertise. Your commitment to excellent work, has been noted and very much appreciated.

Karen Bygden, December 2022 "G" Thanks Winner!

Congrats to our December “G” Thanks Winner! Karen Bygden!

Congrats to our December “G” Thanks Winner! Karen Bygden!

Charin Rivet shared in her Kudoboard nomination: “I would like to nominate Karen Bygden in Payment Services. Karen is dedicated, hardworking, reliable and always willing to fill in when needed. She is an integral part of the ECS team and we couldn't manage without her! So grateful that she is on our team! Thank you Karen!”

Congrats to Our November "G" Thanks Winner! Brenda St Croix!

Congrats to Our November "G" Thanks Winner! Brenda St Croix!

Samantha Casey shared: “The UofG Sustainability Office would love to give a HUGE "G" thanks to Naomi and Brenda, who help ensure items are properly sorted at the UC Chef's Hall sorting station. They have been instrumental in helping prevent contamination in our front-of-house composting and recycling in the UC Chef's Hall and have helped educate many students, staff, and faculty about how to sort on campus properly. They both deserve a giant "G," thanks! We appreciate them and their work immensely!

Join the 30-Day November Kindness Challenge!

Kindness, the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate can help make our community stronger, more connected, and more resilient. 

In honour of World Kindness Day on 11.13.22, the Gratitude, Recognition, and Employee Appreciation Together (GREAT) Initiative challenges you to focus on being kind to others and yourself by completing our Kindness Challenge for each day of the month of November.

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