GREAT at U of G News

September 2022 "G" Thanks Winner Abby Weagant

Congrats to our September “G” Thanks Winner! Abby Weagant!

Congrats to our September “G” Thanks Winner! Abby Weagant!

Mark Colvin wrote in his kudoboard nomination: Humongous and tremendous shout out to all of our Housing Team for moving in 5,100 students over the Labour Day weekend. Specifically, I wanted to thank Abby Weagant for stepping up and organizing the whole weekend and working tirelessly. With our facilities manager being off suddenly due to a long-term leave, Abby stepped up, took charge of the entire weekend and I don’t think slept over the full 3 days. SO KUDOS to Abby for stepping up and being AMAZING!

August 2022 "G" Thanks! Winner Mylene Corzo Lopez

Congrats to our August "G" Thanks! Winner Mylene Corzo Lopez!

Congrats to our August “G” Thanks! Winner Mylene Corzo Lopez!

Lyndsay Schram wrote in her kudoboard nomination:

The Dry Bean Team would like to give a HUGE G THANKS to [...] @Mylene Corzo Lopez for her amazing help today tackling the weeds in our azuki field. We really couldn't have done it without you. I hope you enjoyed the free workout ;)

When learning that she was this month’s winner, Mylene shared:

Congrats to our December “G” Thanks! Winner Clarke Mathany!

Congrats to our December “G” Thanks! Winner Clarke Mathany!

Nadia Timperio wrote in her Kudoboard nomination:

“HUGE thanks to Clarke Mathany from the Office of Quality Assurance, who has been a fantastic colleague and teammate throughout the CIM curriculum management system implementation project. Clarke is generous with his time, amenable to compromise, and unwavering in his optimism. I especially appreciate his pace-keeping leadership style -- he keeps us all on track and gently nudges us toward project completion with a smile on his face!”

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