
CUPE 1334 Negotiation Update

The University and The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1334, representing custodial, trades and maintenance employees have met over the course of four bargaining dates in an effort to reach a renewal agreement which expired April 30, 2016.  The University was advised by the Union of its decision to make an application to the Ministry of Labour for an appointment of a provincially appointed Conciliation Officer.  

Hot Weather Alerts

High temperature, high humidity and hard physical work can be a dangerous combination. Working in these conditions or conditions approaching these can cause disorders ranging from heat cramps to heat stroke. Such disorders can be prevented through worker awareness and the implementation of adequate preventive measures.

This alert involves the management of heat stress induced by hot weather that triggers the implementation of a “hot weather” plan. The implementation criteria for the hot weather plan is as follows:

Total Compensation Statements Distributed

Human Resources is distributing the 2015 Total Compensation Statements for active regular full time staff and select contractually-limited employees.  These statements will be delivered to employees a few business days after June 22nd.

2016 Summer Hours Bulletin

Effective Wednesday, June 1st 2016, where operationally feasible, the University will be functioning under the guidelines indicated in the Summer Hours Bulletin.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Staff Relations at ext. 56598.

2016 Leave for Change Volunteers Announced

Seven members of the University of Guelph community have been selected to participate in Leave for Change in 2016.

Leave for Change provides an opportunity for U of G staff and faculty to demonstrate their commitment to global citizenship and international development by contributing their skills and knowledge during short-term volunteer assignments with organizations in developing countries.

Volunteer assignments and travel dates are being finalized for the following staff and faculty:

Group Benefits Premium Rates

The University of Guelph has finalized the Group Benefits premium rates with Sun Life for the upcoming policy year, effective May 1, 2016.

Please see the renewal letter for more information about the impact to your deductions.

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