New Frontiers in Research – Transformation

The Transformation stream is designed to support large-scale, Canadian-led interdisciplinary research projects that address a major challenge with the potential to realize real and lasting change (high-reward). The challenge may be fundamental, leading to a scientific breakthrough, or applied, with a social, economic, environmental or health impact. Projects are expected to be world-leading, drawing on global research expertise where relevant.


  • Minimum Budget for Direct Costs: 1,600,000/year ($2,000,000 per year including indirect costs of 25%)
  • Maximum Budget for Direct Costs: 3,200,000/year ($4,000,000 per year including indirect costs of 25%)


Six years

Program Overview

What does the program support?

Transformation stream grants will support projects that:

  1. tackle a well-defined problem or challenge;
  2. propose a novel world-leading approach that is different from the current state-of-the-art approaches to the issue;
  3. are interdisciplinary, bringing different perspectives to the defined problem; and
  4. have the potential to be transformative, defined as the potential to create a significant and real change or impact—a noticeable leap or tangible breakthrough rather than an incremental advance.

What is “transformative” research?

In the NFRF program, the definition of “transformative” is linked to the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s proposed definition of convergence research (PDF, 726 KB), where “convergence research is increasingly seen as the way to solve pressing challenges.” It is aligned with the National Science Foundation’s definition of convergence research, focusing on research driven by a specific and compelling problem and deep integration across disciplines. It also has strong parallels to Horizon Europe in its reference to mission-oriented research and innovation with bold and concrete objectives to respond to societal challenges.

Subject matter (fit to program)

Transformation grants support projects that propose a world-leading interdisciplinary approach with the potential to have a significant impact in addressing a well-defined challenge. Projects must be well-defined with specific objectives. Transformation grants are not intended to support a program of research, research centres, or research networks.

Projects may involve any discipline, thematic areas, approaches or subject areas eligible for funding across the three federal research funding agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC). Projects should engage the full range of disciplines required to achieve the project goals.

To meet the minimum requirement to be considered interdisciplinary, the proposed research project must include elements from at least two different disciplines (as defined by a group-level classification based on the Canadian Research and Development Classification codes. Projects that fall under the mandate of only one federal research funding agency are not eligible.

How can I apply?

All applications must submit a notice of intent to apply (NOI) and letter of intent to apply (LOI). Only successful LOIs are invited to submit a full application. 

The University of Guelph application process, with internal deadlines, is outlined below.

Timeline and Requirements

Target date Activity
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 1:00 PM Program Webinar for EOI stage available on competition website.
March 18, 2025

Expression of Interest due. Please email  the following information:

  • PI name
  • Project title
  • Project summary (one paragraph)
April 8, 2025 Draft NOI due
April 15, 2025, 9 AM


Submit via the Convergence portal complete final draft NOI by 9:00 AM. RSO will submit to the sponsor by the external deadline of 8:00 PM.

Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 1:00 PM Program Webinar for LOI stage available on competition website.
May 26, 2025 Draft LOI due to for strategic review
Complete (but do not submit) online sections (a–f) on the Convergence Portal.
Submit draft Research Proposal (10pg) to for review. This draft may also be shared with a panel for strategic input.
June 16, 2025, 9:00 AM



  1. LOI via Convergence
  2. OR-5 to AND
Tuesday, June 17, 2025, 8:00 PM LOI EXTERNAL DEADLINE
  If invited to full application, Strategic Programs will work with NPI and College to develop a plan for grant development and review
Tuesday, March 3, 2026, 8:00 PM Full application (by invitation only) EXTERNAL DEADLINE
August 2026 Award results released
September 2026 Start date of awards

Internal Resources

  • Knowledge Mobilization
    • See resources for knowledge mobilization. High-reward, transformative change or impacts, and clear means of measuring impacts, are critical for this competition.  We highly recommend developing a Logic Model or other type of impact mapping framework as soon as possible.
  • LOI Components Checklist
    • This checklist is designed to help teams and RSO ensure that the LOI submission is complete, meets program eligibility requirements, as well as institutional requirements.

External Resources