Since 2012, Tri-Agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) have migrated (or are in the process of migrating) their legacy CV systems to the new Canadian Common CV (CCV).
The CCV is a web-based application that provides researchers with a single, common approach to gathering CV information required by a network of federal, provincial and not-for-profit research funding organizations. The CCV’s processes, procedures and capabilities allow the input of CV information by researchers and the extraction of the CV data (with consent from the researcher) by member agencies to support their funding application process.
The vision and objectives for the CCV are to:
- Lighten the load on the research community when applying for funding, or for reporting purposes, on the principle that the CV data entered once by the researcher can be readily utilized in a manner that suits the requirements of any subscribing agency;
- Facilitate the collection of a common data set required by agencies; and
- Create a public repository which showcases Canadian researcher expertise.
UNIWeb launch at University of Guelph
UNIWeb by Proximify is an intuitive, user-friendly academic CV tool compatible with the Canadian Common CV (CCV). Researchers applying for funding opportunities requiring a CCV are encouraged to prepare their UNIWeb CV well ahead of the competition deadline. Once your UNIWeb CV is populated, a CCV-compatible export can be generated for seamless import into the CCV system.
For detailed guidance on using your UNIWeb CV to apply for grants, visit the FAQs: Using UNIWeb to Apply for Grants. For general support, please contact your department's T&P administrator.
CCV general information
The CCV may be accessed directly on the Canadian Common CV website.
There is no centralized helpdesk for CCV; rather, applicants completing CCV requiring assistance must contact a representative from CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC (see below for details).
CIHR-related information
CIHR has created a series of tools to support researchers as they use the CCV.
For questions about CIHR’s CCV, please contact CIHR at or 1-888-603-4178.
NSERC-related information
More detailed step-by-step directions to complete NSERC’s CCV are available on NSERC's Canadian Common CV How to Complete NSERC’s Version website.
For questions about NSERC’s CCV, please contact NSERC at or call 613-995-4273.
SSHRC-related information
SSHRC offers a Fact Sheet on the Grants Management System and CCV regarding its implementation of CCV.
More detailed step-by-step directions to complete SSHRC’s CCV are available on SSHRC's How to Use the Canadian Common CV (CCV) website.
For questions about SSHRC’s CCV, please contact SSHRC at or call 613-995-4273.