Overview of Research Ethics

The University of Guelph (U of G) is committed to the responsible and ethical conduct of research. The U of G Research Ethics Board (REB) reviews research involving human participants to ensure the rights and welfare of these participants are protected and respected.

All human participant research, whether funded or unfunded, conducted by researchers at or under the auspices of the U of G must be reviewed and approved by the REB before its commencement.

The REB maintains an arms-length relationship with the University of Guelph and operates independently to review, approve, reject, or propose modifications to research projects.

Approval Process

An overview of the submission and approval process for research applications.

CORE Tutorial

The Panel on Research Ethics has created an online tutorial which provides an applied approach to the guidance provided in TCPS2. CORE is designed primarily for the use of researchers and REB members. Create a new account using your University email address and save a copy of the certificate you are issued.

Our Team

For general inquiries and questions related to research ethics or compliance, please email reb@uoguelph.ca

If you would like to contact a specific individual, please consult the Ethics Office staff list