Templates & Resources

Legacy Forms

Pre-EthOS forms and related guidance

Policies & Procedures

Repository of internal and external policies, procedures and guidelines 

Obtaining Consent

Guidance and sample consent materials that researchers may use to develop participant materials specific to their research

Research SOPs

Approved Standard Operating Procedures available for researchers to incorporate into REB applications 

Ethics Office Outreach

Link to Brown Bag session and other educational offerings from Research Ethics staff 

Responding to Mental Health and Wellness Issues

Researchers - both student and faculty - may find themselves in a position of interacting with research participants who have become psychologically upset. The cause of the upset could be the topic of the research or a research-related task; in some cases, it could be unrelated to the research. In such cases, researchers may find it difficult to know how to proceed.

The following resources can provide you with some tools to navigate these situations. You may wish to share the following brochure with your research team members:

 Please review the options provided and decide if one or more of these options would provide helpful training for your research team.