What SOPs Are and How to Use Them


The REB works with researchers to create Standard Operating Procedures (or they are sometimes referred to as Standards of Practice) or SOPs. The purpose of the SOP is to summarize how a particular task is accomplished. For example, if a researcher or group of researchers is frequently going to be taking blood samples from participants, they can create an SOP to document how this will occur. 


The SOP will be reviewed and approved by the REB at a meeting of the full board. The authors of the SOP may be asked to make revisions. Note: This will NOT occur in the context of the review of a particular protocol, but separately.


Once the SOP is approved, researchers should:

  • Upload the latest version of the SOP and submit along with the REB application to be reviewed.
  • Refer to the SOP in the discussion of the methods in the REB Application, thus avoiding having to repeat a lengthy explanation of the methods.
  • Provide a tracked version if your current application requires some changes to the SOP. SOPs have been uploaded as Word documents and are open for editing. If you think you’d like to make use of a particular SOP, but wish to make changes, please use track changes to clearly document where the change has occurred and submit with your application.

SOPs can be used as training tools for research team members

REB reviewers can use the SOP as an aid when reviewing.

Any researcher can propose an SOP and request a copy of the template. The Ethics Office will be happy to work with you to produce an approved document.


Available SOPs