Personal Information Bank

Governance Records

Information Details


University Secretariat

Information Maintained

Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, education, correspondence, public or professional organization experience, biographical information, information about charitable and volunteer involvement.


Select board and senate members, select award and honour recipients, maintain a record of past and present board and senate members, maintain contact with members.

Archives Services Records

Information Details


Archival and Special Collections

Information Maintained

Name, home address, telephone and e-mail, donor giving history, student number, research interests, registration cards, reproduction requests, account statement for reproductions.


To maintain records of archives users and to provide public services.


Archives staff.

Individuals in Bank

Students, alumni, employees, public.

Veterinary Medical Records

Information Details


Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital

Information Maintained

Animal owner/agent/billing contact: name, address, telephone numbers, business name, insurance policy, insurance agent, credit card information, referring veterinarian information. Animal/Patient: name, breed, species, sex, birth date, diagnosis(es), procedure(s), outcome, detailed description of medical treatment. 

Art Centre Records

Information Details


Macdonald Stewart Art Centre

Information Maintained

Name, address, telephone, social insurance number (artists' only), record of payment, correspondence, gift agreements, event and historical photos.


To prove that the art centre owns the art work. To present educational programs.


Macdonald Stewart Art Centre staff.

Individuals in Bank

Artists, donors, members, volunteers.

Student Health and Medical Records

Information Details


Student Health Services; Health and Performance Center.

Student Counselling Records

Information Details


Student Life & Counselling Services.

Sports and Recreation Records

Information Details



Information Maintained

Name, home contact information, sex, age, marital status, correspondence, social insurance numbers, student identification numbers, employee identification numbers. CAMPS: financial information, medical information, student numbers. ATHLETIC THERAPY: education or employment history. INTERCOLLEGIATE/VARSITY: academic program, BIPOC status, student numbers, height. INTRAMURALS: disciplinary information, student numbers. PERSONAL TRAINING: family health history.

Parking Service Records

Information Details


Physical Resources

Information Maintained

Home contact information, date of birth, financial information, name, telephone number, driver’s license numbers, license plate number.


Issuing parking permits to staff, students, visitors, contractors. Corresponding with individual’s in relation to outstanding fines.


Physical Resources staff, Parking Services and Transportation Planning staff.

Off-campus Housing Records

Information Details


Off Campus Housing Office Services

Information Maintained

Name, mailing address, rental property address, record of payment, statistical data.


To list rental properties available for students, employees, and public; to contact landlords in regards to concerns with the properties; to process complaints filed against landlords or students.


Off Campus Living Services staff.

Housing Records

Information Details


Student Housing Services

Information Maintained

Room number, e-mail address, emergency contact information, financial information, identifying number, name, sex, residence phone number, survey responses, behaviour files, residence references, special needs consideration, Living/Learner Centres and Study Intensive Area supplementary applications, long distance code.