
Spring Snaps Challenge

Participate in the Spring Snaps Challenge for your chance to win a prize! 

Snap a photo of beautiful flowers, gardens or trees at U of G and enter your photo to to be entered in the contest.  The contest is open until June 21st, 2019. 

Join one of the featured walks (Garden Gander or Arboretum walks) for inspiration.  Now that spring has sprung, there are so many beautiful spaces on campus that we can appreciate, thanks to the U of G Grounds team! 

Please see the attached promotional poster.

Men's Mental Health

"Men and women experience many of the same mental health disorders, but their willingness to talk about their challenges and feelings are very different. The perceived standards of masculinity and stigmas surrounding men seeking support for mental health disorders continue to present challenges."

Learn facts about men's mental health and further information on these tips on how to support men's mental health, including:

1. Become better informed

2. Ask what you can do

3. Be there to listen

4. Don’t blame or judge

Men's Health: Five Things Every Man Should Know

The Movember Foundation has compiled a list of 5 things every man should know and do to take care of their health. Here's a sneak peak at the top 5 suggestions:

1.  Spend time with people who make you feel good.

2. Talk, more.

3. Know the numbers.

4. Know thy nuts. Simple.

5. Move, more. 

The Movember Foundation is working to change the face of men's health.  They address some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.

Spot the Hazards! Activity Winners

In May during Be Well, Be Safe Week, employees were invited to test their workplace safety knowledge with the Spot the Hazards! activity.  Employees were asked to identify three safety concerns in each of the staged photos, and also share one idea they had to fix one of the safety concerns.

28 people participated in the activity and 3 winners were randomly selected to receive a $25 Hospitality gift card. 

Congratulations to the following winners:

Mental Health and Nutrition

Did you know that the human brain is sensitive to the food we eat? Nutrition plays an active role in mental health. The World Health Organization defines mental  health as a state of well-being and the ability to cope with life’s daily stresses. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association 20% of Canadians will experience a mental illness at some point in their life.


Take the Mental Health Meter

Do a quick check-in with your mental health using CMHA's mental health meter online tool.  Complete a short survey and receive a description of your results.

Visit the CMHA website to learn more:

Note: This is not a scientific test. Information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you feel that you may need advice, please consult a qualified health care professional.

Mental Health 101 CAMH Course

CAMH has developed an online Mental Health 101 course that's freely available to anyone interested.  This educational tool helps to explain more about mental health and mental illness and provides tools to support yourself or others.

This is a helpful resources for:

  • people who are concerned about themselves
  • those who are concerned about family or friends 
  • those who encounter people with mental health problems through their work.

The self-directed course takes about 20 minutes to complete.

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