
Guelph Campus is now Tobacco- and Smoke-Free

As communities around the world celebrate World No Tobacco Day, U of G’s Guelph campus marks its first day as a tobacco- and smoke-free space.

“It’s something that will help us create a healthier future for everyone on our campus,” said Don O’Leary, vice-president (finance, administration and risk). “It’s an important step for us.”

Wellness@Work Strategic Plan Consultation

What has been happening since the 2017 Wellness@Work Survey?  The Wellness@Work Advisory Committee has been working on a draft strategic plan.  

Broad input from University of Guelph employees is important to ensure the Advisory Committee has identified meaningful priorities and to confirm that there are not any significant gaps or omissions in the draft plan.

Please share your feedback by June 18, 2019 to Melissa Horan, Wellness@Work Coordinator at or extension 53314.


June 2019 Wellness@Work Calendar

The Wellness@Work Programming Committee has compiled the June calendar of wellness-related events and blog posts. Upcoming events include:

Spring Snaps Challenge

Participate in the Spring Snaps Challenge for your chance to win a prize! 

Snap a photo of beautiful flowers, gardens or trees at U of G and enter your photo to to be entered in the contest.  The contest is open until June 21st, 2019. 

Join one of the featured walks (Garden Gander or Arboretum walks) for inspiration.  Now that spring has sprung, there are so many beautiful spaces on campus that we can appreciate, thanks to the U of G Grounds team! 

Please see the attached promotional poster.

Men's Mental Health

"Men and women experience many of the same mental health disorders, but their willingness to talk about their challenges and feelings are very different. The perceived standards of masculinity and stigmas surrounding men seeking support for mental health disorders continue to present challenges."

Learn facts about men's mental health and further information on these tips on how to support men's mental health, including:

1. Become better informed

2. Ask what you can do

3. Be there to listen

4. Don’t blame or judge

Men's Health: Five Things Every Man Should Know

The Movember Foundation has compiled a list of 5 things every man should know and do to take care of their health. Here's a sneak peak at the top 5 suggestions:

1.  Spend time with people who make you feel good.

2. Talk, more.

3. Know the numbers.

4. Know thy nuts. Simple.

5. Move, more. 

The Movember Foundation is working to change the face of men's health.  They address some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.

U of G Recess League featured in University Affairs

Have you heard about U of G's Recess League?  Every week at 12pm, recess league participants gather to play a random sport inspired by school yard games. Recess League is a great way to have a mental wellness break in the middle of the work day!

Games run from 12pm-1pm each week and the league is non-progressive so committing to attending every week is not necessary. Learn more and sign up

Spot the Hazards! Activity Winners

In May during Be Well, Be Safe Week, employees were invited to test their workplace safety knowledge with the Spot the Hazards! activity.  Employees were asked to identify three safety concerns in each of the staged photos, and also share one idea they had to fix one of the safety concerns.

28 people participated in the activity and 3 winners were randomly selected to receive a $25 Hospitality gift card. 

Congratulations to the following winners:

Spring Cleaning Challenge Winners

Throughout the month of April, employees were invited to dedicate time each day to spring clean. Small tasks were assigned each day, such as decluttering the nightstand, deleting old apps, or donating old board games.  Each day, employees checked off the tasks they completed. 

Two people were randomly selected and awarded with a small prize to congratulate them on their spring cleaning! 

A Walk in the Park- Answer Sheet & Winners

In April, we invited employees to go for a "walk in the park" to explore the unique and interesting sculptures at the Art Gallery of Guelph.

Three winners were randomly selected from the submissions received.  Congrats to the following winners:

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