
Recipe Contest Winners

Thank you to everyone for your healthy recipe submissions for The Great Wellness@Work Recipe Contest. 

The review committee had some tough decisions to make, but has selected their top 3 favourite healthy recipes. Congrats to the following winners:

1. Yummy Guacamole and Quinoa Sweet Potato Boats- Brittany Dubbeldam - $50 Hospitality gift card 

2. One Pot Chicken Quinoa will Feta- Patricia Hass - Healthy cookbook 

Be Well, Be Safe Week Calendar

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to join us in celebrating National Mental Health Week and North American Occupational Safety and Health Week.  Wellness@Work has planned dozens of free workshops and activities for our second annual Be Well, Be Safe Week at U of G.  View the 2019 calendar and click on each event to access the description and registration information.  

Mental Health and Nutrition

Did you know that the human brain is sensitive to the food we eat? Nutrition plays an active role in mental health. The World Health Organization defines mental  health as a state of well-being and the ability to cope with life’s daily stresses. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association 20% of Canadians will experience a mental illness at some point in their life.


Take the Mental Health Meter

Do a quick check-in with your mental health using CMHA's mental health meter online tool.  Complete a short survey and receive a description of your results.

Visit the CMHA website to learn more:

Note: This is not a scientific test. Information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you feel that you may need advice, please consult a qualified health care professional.

Mental Health 101 CAMH Course

CAMH has developed an online Mental Health 101 course that's freely available to anyone interested.  This educational tool helps to explain more about mental health and mental illness and provides tools to support yourself or others.

This is a helpful resources for:

  • people who are concerned about themselves
  • those who are concerned about family or friends 
  • those who encounter people with mental health problems through their work.

The self-directed course takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Image of Homewood Health blog

Creating a Healthy Workplace

"A healthy work environment and culture is crucial to the success of both the organization and its employees. A healthy workplace weighs the merits of a range of considerations including mental and emotional qualities as well as safe and nurturing environments for all employee types."

Read the full blog here.

Spring Cleaning Challenge

Looking for a bit of inspiration to get some spring cleaning done?  Participate in this April Spring Cleaning Challenge to help organize your home and work space. 

Use a check mark to indicate you have completed the activity each day of the month.

Submit your completed calendar with your name and email to or drop-off the hard copy in Human Resources with attention to Sarah Joosse.

Everyone who completes the tasks on the calendar will be entered into a draw for a prize!  Please send your completed calendars on April 30, 2019.

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