
Headshot of Het Shah

CEPS Student Feature - Het Shah

Het chose an adventure when he decided to come to Canada, leaving his friends and family in Kuwait for the first time in his life. His first few months were a challenge, having to adapt and adjust to an entirely different language and culture, but after a while, he found himself a new home where he has made life-long friends.

Several creative encounters summer campers pose in front of the U of G cannon, freshly painted purple with #WomenInSTEM

Engaging youth in STEM

The role of STEM in discovery, progress and tackling some of the world’s wicked problems has never been more critical. We need the inquisitive young minds of today to have opportunities to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

The participants of the U of G CEPS 3MT® competition pose and smile for a picture in a hallway of Reynolds building.

U of G CEPS 3MT®

On Tuesday, March 28th, the CEPS 3MT® college heat welcomed 8 participants who had 3 minutes to present their thesis.

Left: Peyman Tahghighi, Middle: Regan Sheppard, Right: Eamonn Corrigan

Congratulations to:

Re-engineering the waffle

This past weekend the University of Guelph opened its doors for Campus Day, a chance for high school students to tour the campus and speak with current Gryphons and staff. Over 2500 attendees enjoyed a sunny and action-packed day, getting the chance to envision a future life at U of G this Fall.

Blue water, bubbles, globe in hands

U of G Researchers share their work and why World Water Day matters

This year’s World Water Day is focused on accelerating change towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is home to many faculty and researchers with expertise in water and sanitation. They are continually working towards creating water and sanitation solutions that support SDG6 and improve life for all.

A person operates farming machinery on a farm

Carbon-smart soils used to combat climate change

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most dominant greenhouse gasses (GHGs) that can absorb and hold heat radiated from the sun. Ever-increasing GHGs emissions have caused a significant rise in atmospheric carbon concentration in recent decades. If this trend continues, the Earth could warm by 2˚C before the end of the century, which will result in severe threats to human life and global ecosystems. Global efforts are being made to mitigate this effect by developing carbon capture and sequester (CCS) technologies.

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