Past Events

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CMHA: Silencing Your Inner Critic

Are you tired of your inner critic making you feel like you’re not good enough?  Practicing self compassion can help.  It involves being understanding and kind to ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate.  Being imperfect, experiencing difficulty and failure is part of being human.  Join us to learn strategies to silence that inner negativity and begin to develop a caring and nurturing approach to being perfectly imperfect.

CMHA: Stress Management

Stress is a normal response to situational pressures or demands and is part of our everyday lives. How we do or do not respond to those stressors will determine whether we have a relatively healthy life, or potentially become burdened with illness and disease. During this session we will discuss the role stress and stress hormones play in our body, and the impact prolonged stress can have on our overall health and wellness.

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

Mood Routes

The Student Wellness Education and Promotion Centre will be offering a virtual lunchtime walking group on a drop-in basis through the summer. 

Weekly Mindfulness Drop-In

Each session will open with taking some time to connect and presence ourselves in the virtual space: unmuting ourselves, saying hello, telling a story, saying something about how things are going. Next, we will do some breathwork, then a short gratitude practice, and then a short practice of acknowledging (silently) our hopes, our longings, what we are wanting more of in/from life, maybe even asking for it. Following this we will do one of three practices: 1. Coming to our senses 2. Cultivating Equanimity 3. Guided Imagery (active imagination)

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

Guelph FHT: Intro to Mindfulness 2 Part Program

This webinar is for individuals that want to learn to increase their ability to live in the present moment. To feel grounded during times of stress, to drop judgement and our common tendencies to relive past events and worry about the future. What will I gain from attending this webinar? Learn to be in the moment, which reduces our stress, and improves our mental and physical well-being Have rest from the mind: from going over and over things, reduce worry/anxiety

CMHA: Challenging Negative Thinking

Getting caught in a cycle of negative thinking can seriously impact our mental well being. In this webinar, we will learn to recognize different ‘thinking traps’ that we all tend to fall into, as well as strategies we can use to escape them. We will explore the difference between being reactive, and being responsive and how we can practice challenging ourselves when our thoughts our unhelpful.

Classical Yoga

Help yourself establish a routine and deepen your practice by joining our virtual Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 - 1 PM. Bring calm, clarity, and peace to the mind.  Everyone – faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, visiting scholars – Welcome!  No experience required. Try not to eat 2 hours before the practice.  "A yoga collective that cares about cultivating health and wellbeing on the diverse U of G campus and beyond. Our goal is to offer valuable tools for achieving a balanced state of mind and body."

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