
Smaranjeet chats outside at Branion Plaza with two friends.

CEPS Student Feature- Smaranjeet Singh

Choosing the right post-secondary school and program heavily impacts the course of one’s life. Smaranjeet is from Delhi, India who decided to take the journey to Canada, where he is currently a third-year Computer Science major at the University of Guelph.

Three male students standing together outside at event, smiling to camera

Summer Break or Summer Project?

This past summer three computer engineering students who had just completed their first year decided to take advantage of their free time to explore a self assigned project.

Catalysts' Edge: Powering Hydrogen From Water

Exploiting catalysts' capabilities, Dr. Chen's team employs UV-Vis spectroscopy and SPECM to enhance water electrolysis efficiency for sustainable hydrogen fuel generation.

Water's Extraordinary Secret: Catalysts and Clean Energy

Headshot of Michele Oliver

Breaking Barriers: Rethinking Armor Design for Female Soldiers

Not all heroes wear capes, but they do wear armour. Meet Dr. Michele Oliver, a trailblazer from the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, who is working towards making armour more accommodating for the real-world superheroes - our soldiers. The twist? Her study focuses on determining whether armour needs to be tailored for female soldiers, a long-ignored demographic in military armour design.

Headshot of Kevin Keener with Food Day Canada logo and imagery

Food Day Canada 2023 - What do Engineers have to do with Food?

When people think of food, they think of farmers, grocery stores and restaurants, they don’t think of engineers. To celebrate Food Day Canada, we asked Dr. Kevin M. Keener, the Barrett Family Foundation Chair in Sustainable Food Engineering, to provide some insight into the relationship between engineering and the foods we enjoy. In response, Dr. Keener, shared the spotlight with a few of his students working in the Sustainable Food Systems Innovation Lab.

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