Here are some standard EthOS features and important reminders for your user experience.

EthOS Dashboard

When you log into EthOS, you arrive at a main dashboard. As a dynamic system, the EthOS dashboard continually adjusts based on your application scenario and status. The basic structure of the EthOS dashboard involves four main areas:

  1. Navigation Menu Bar
  2. Action Pane
  3. Work Area
  4. Projects Area

This is a screen shot of the EthOS Dashboard. The first area is a the navigation menu bar found at the top. The second area is allocated on the left, named the Action Pane. It has various buttons that allow for quick access. The third area is the Work Area. This has Notifications, Signatures, Transfers and Shared. The fourth area is named the Project Area where Project Folders are accessed.

1. Navigation Menu Bar

The navigation menu bar appears on every page. Use it to quickly jump back to your Work Area, Contacts, Help, and User Settings (top right).

Note: there is no integration between EthOS and your Outlook contacts, and the Contacts feature does not trigger autofill in any subsequent fields. Contacts can be entered manually for the convenience of having these details on hand within EthOS.

2. Action Pane

Dynamic, contextual Action tiles are a key user experience feature with EthOS. Certain actions are available depending on where you are in the application form and process. Later sections of this Applicant User Guide explain available actions in more detail.

3. Work Area

Notice the boxes or tiles at the top. Tiles in the Work Area provide counts of activity specific to your projects and forms. Green zeroes mean that there are no applicable records for that tile. Once records are available for a tile, the number of records appears in red.

4. Projects

Initially, your Projects area will be empty. However, as you work with EthOS this area will display all projects that you have created or for which you are named as a collaborator. See Managing Your Projects for more information.

Moving Between EthOS Screens

As you move through EthOS, return home to the Work Area by clicking on the EthOS title or the Work Area menu option. During an REB application, you can move through form pages using the Previous, Next, and Navigate Action tiles.

This indicates the navigation buttons on how to navigate through screens. A box highlights three buttons, Previous, Next and Navigate.

Important: Using your browser back arrow will result in a loss of any unsaved data on a screen. If you must use the back arrow, make sure you click the Save tile first.

Work Area Tiles

This shows the Work Area tiles, indicating Notifications, Signautres, Transfers and Shared. Each shows a number.

The Work Area has four main tiles which dynamically adjust and show various counts of information relevant to your projects and submission scenarios.


The Notifications tile contains the automated messages generated throughout a project's lifecycle. (You can also access notifications from your Username in the top right of the Navigation Menu Bar). The red number is the total number of notifications. Click the Notifications tile to display the Notification Centre.

In the Notifications area you can:

  1. Enter search terms to find specific notifications
  2. Click on the top-level check box to bulk delete notifications or mark all as read
  3. Sort columns and find notifications that include attachments (e.g. a summary of modifications requested or an approval letter)This screenshots shows the Notifications Pane. The first step highlights the ability to search notifications. The second step highlights the ability to check or uncheck all notifications. The third box highlights to toggle Attachments.
  4. Click on the Paperclip, then click Download to see attachmentsAn example of an attachment to a message. A box highlights the Download button.
  5. Alternatively, click on the title of the notification, then click View Form to access that specific form​An example of a message. A box highlights a View Form button.


The Signatures tile displays the number of signature requests awaiting your action or given. You can search on signatures, and use the View Form button to access, review, and sign applications from the Signature tile. See Signatures and Submitting Applications for more information.

This highlights the search bar in the signatures section.


The Transfers tile contains information about projects that have been transferred to you, or that you are in the process of transferring to someone else. A transfer is only used when the ownership of the project needs to be reassigned and is not the same as sharing a form. Once a form has been transferred to the new owner, the tile number reduces by one. Past transfers are also accessible from this tile. See Transfer Ownership of a Project for more information.


The Shared tile displays the number of forms that have been shared with you. You can see the type of access the owner has provided and access the shared form directly from here. You can also reject the request to share the form if necessary. See Adding Study Personnel and Sharing Forms for more information.

Shared Forms, highlights the access available as well as the View Form button and Reject button.

Project Tree

EthOS is based on forms. Every project will likely have several forms – e.g., the main application form and any subforms such as amendments or event reports. When you create a new project, EthOS displays each project as a tree, with the project title as the ‘parent’ and hierarchical branches between the main application form and subforms. As more subforms are added, the tree expands. Navigating within the project tree is a quick way to find and access all forms within your project.

A box highlights the Project Tree.

Project List Searching

The Projects area displays the list of your projects (including those that have been shared with you). In the Search Projects bar, you can search by Project ID or full text to locate a project in the list.

  • Note: The full text search does not search the contents of the application itself.  However, see View as PDF as a workaround solution if you need to run a full-text search of an application.

You can reorder the contents of each column using the sort arrows beside each column title. You cannot rearrange the order of the columns themselves in the Project list.

If your project list has many entries, scroll down and use Previous or Next to navigate between pages.

A box highlights the Project Search bar. It can be sorted by Project ID, Owner, Date Created, Date Modified and Transfer Status

Finding and Understanding Your Application's Status

There are two options to easily find the status of your REB application. The status information updates every ten minutes.

From the Project list

  1. Browse the Project Title in the Work Area
  2. Click on the expand arrow beside the Project title to display its related forms
  3. Review the additional details about the form, including its status

The first box, it highlights the Project Title, Project ID and Owner.

The next box highlights a drop-down.

The First Page of the Application Form

You can also see the status of an application each time you open the form.

  1. Click on the Project tile to open them form from the Work Area Projects listProject tab, highlights the Project Tile
  2. Review the details and application status below the Project TreeThis highlights the second step in Work Area Projects list. It reads: Action required on Form and Status. It then indicates if there is any action left and the current status of the project tree. In the example the status is not submitted.

Status Definitions

Depending on your application scenario and where you may be in the approval process, different status messages will be displayed.

Status Definition
Not Submitted The form has not yet been submitted to Research Ethics
Submitted by Applicant Application was submitted successfully
Administrative Pre-Review Research Ethics is completing the administrative review for completeness etc. prior to assigning for Research Ethics Board (REB) review
Modifications Requested (Pre-Review) Application has been returned to research team (prior to REB review) for modification
Modifications Received (Pre-Review) Pre-review modifications completed and application returned to Research Ethics
Ready for REB Review Pre-review complete, application is ready to be assigned for REB review
Under Delegated Review Application has been assigned for delegated review (minimal risk protocols)
Under Full Board Review Application has been assigned for review by the full REB (greater than minimal risk protocols)
Modifications Request Application has been returned to research team (post REB review) for modification
Approved Application has been approved and certificate issued
Rejected Application is rejected (rarely used)
Superseded Replaced by a newer version of the form
SOI Review Statement of Intent is under review
SOI Rejected Statement of Intent is rejected (rarely used)
SOI Approved Statement of Intent is approved
Modifications Request SOI Statement of Intent (SOI) has been returned to research team for modification
Modifications Received SOI SOI has been modified and returned to Research Ethics

Form Update Messages

If new functionality or features have been added to a form by system administrators, the next time you open the form you will be prompted for an update. (Researchers should expect that form updates may happen more frequently in the early phase after U of G launches EthOS). Updating is an important step that must be completed to ensure that your project is always working with the latest form.

Note: The Project Owner must be the one to accept the update prior to any further work on the form. If a form update message is seen, and you are not the Project Owner, contact them and ask that they complete the following steps.

1. In the Form Update message, click on the Update link

  • Note: Researchers can disregard the message about invalidating electronic signatures. U of G applications are submitted automatically once a signature has been received, so you will never have a signature on an unsubmitted form. Your form update will not invalidate any signatures.

2. Click on the Update button

  • Note: If you have an in-progress form that was near completion prior to an update being applied, use the Completeness Check tile and feature to identify if there are any questions to complete quickly.

This highlights warning "Warning: The project owner must update your project in order to submit the form."

An Update Project pop-up appears. It highlights: "Note: This will update all the forms within this project. Any electronics signature of unsubmitted form will be invalidated

Important Reminders!

Use the Built-in Guidance

Information icon (lower case italic I , inside a blue circle)indicates that more information is available for that question or section. Click on the icon to access the additional guidance, which in some cases may hyperlink you to other resources.

This locates the info icon onto right of the screen.

EthOS Timeout is 30 Minutes

EthOS will automatically log out applicants after 30 minutes of inactivity. You will receive a one-minute warning notice to prompt you to stay logged in if needed.

session timeout expiration time warning

If you have stepped away and return after EthOS has timed out, you will see this message:

session timeout, login required.

Follow the hyperlink in the Session Timeout notification window to log back into EthOS.

Don't Forget to Save!

EthOS does not ‘autosave’ in the same way that other cloud-based applications do. Your progress only automatically saves in the following instances:

  • When you navigate from one page to the next using EthOS actions (not browser buttons)
  • When you run a completeness check or upload a document

We highly recommend manually saving frequently in case of interruption. 

Save button location in EthOS is highlighted
  1. Click on the Save tile in your actions pane.

Note: When you manually save your data, EthOS displays a green Save Complete message in the menu bar.

A Save Complete text appears when Saving is successful at the top.

EthOS will not automatically save when:

  • You use your browser back arrow to return to a previous screen
  • There have been no changes since your previous autosave or manual save  
  • Example: If you move to the next screen (which triggers an autosave) and then manually click the Save tile before making any data updates, you will not see a Save Complete message (nor will EthOS autosave) because nothing has changed between the two save transactions